Sunday, September 1, 2019

Our Inheritance in Christ

As defined in Webster's dictionary, the word inherit means to "come into possession of (possess) or to receive (property) from a person by legal succession or will or to receive genetically from an ancestor."

Inheritance is not foreign to most of us.  Many of us have inherited property, money, or personal items from a loved one when they have passed.  Some of us have been told that we have "inherited" our mother's looks or our father's mannerisms.  Most inheritance, but not all, is given to sons or daughters considered loved ones because they have a special place in the person's heart.

"For (the Spirit which) you have now received (is) not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption (the Spirit producing sonship) in (the bliss of) which we cry, Abba (Father)!  Father!.  The Spirit Himself (thus) testifies together with our own spirit, (assuring us) that we are children of God.  And if we are (His) children, then we are (His) heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (sharing His inheritance with Him):only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory." Romans 8:15-17

When we give our hearts and lives over to Jesus Christ we become a part of the family of God Himself.  We become adopted sons and daughters in the Kingdom of God and God becomes our Father.  According to scripture, we need to receive Jesus and the Holy Spirit will dwell in us assuring us that we become children of God.  We legally receive our inheritance through the shedding of blood by Jesus whose death purchased for us our salvation.  We become joint heirs with Christ.  Jesus said in John 16:15 "Everything that the Father has is Mine.  That is what I meant when I said that He (the Spirit) will take the things that are Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you."

We are joint heirs with Christ.  Ephesians 1:14 "That (Spirit) is the guarantee of our inheritance (the firstfruits, the pledge and foretaste, the down payment on our heritage), in anticipation of its full redemption and our acquiring (complete) possession of it---to the praise of His glory."

God the Father becomes our Father and as adopted sons and daughters through the blood of Jesus we are joint heirs with Christ.  Everything that the Father bestowed on Jesus is ours also!!  Christ living in us is so profound!!  If we would just grasp this reality, there isn't anything that we cannot do through Christ living in us---heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, preach the Gospel!!

We are sons and daughters of God who have a calling, a mandate to enlarge the Kingdom of God and be Jesus on the earth doing what He did and loving like He did but we can only do it because the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  He is the One promised by Jesus Who would be our Comoforter, our Counselor and our Helper.  We need only call on Him.

Let us lay hold of our inheritance and walk as children of the Light; children of God who are heirs with Christ Who is seated in heavenly places with God the Father, our Father.  Ephesians 2:6  "And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together (giving us "joint seating with Him) in the heavenly sphere (by virtue of our being ) in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One."

So go out into the world and be the hands, the feet and the voice of Jesus---Christ in you!!

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