Wednesday, May 8, 2024


                                                                    TURNING POINT

Marcella Ward May 8, 2024

The following prophecies are words from the Lord to Julie Green, Diana Larkin and myself.  These are words of encouragement from the Lord to give us hope and peace.  We are truly in a war between Good and Evil; between God and the evil one.  God wins.  He always wins and I hope these words of encouragement and hope will fill your heart with peace as we rest in God to fight our battles.  “ For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”  Deuteronomy 20:4 NIV  22 Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.”  Deuteronomy 3:22   NIV

THIS IS THE TIME OF ADVANCEMENT    Julie Green   Date Word Received: April 21, 2024 (First Prophecy)    Watch video - published April 24, 2024

“I, Lord, this day am telling My children that this is the time of advancement—the time to move forward and not stay where you are, the time to break loose from the chains that held you and the prisons your adversaries kept you in. This is the time to trust in Me and not yourselves. This is the time to build up your faith in Me like never before because you will need it like never before

This is the time to receive strength and peace from Me, to receive My wisdom on how to handle every situation. Do you remember how I asked you to include Me in your lives? I am already there with you. You just need to acknowledge that I am and then receive Me, My love, My protection, and My restoration. 

My Will for all My children is that they receive all that I have for them and live the life I want them to live. It is time to break free from the chains of slavery. It is time to stop living under the bondage and control of your enemies. Your enemies' days are numbered, but as they fall and receive their judgment and defeat, they will try to take anyone they can with them. Do not give in to them. They are powerless against Me, and I am in you. 

Now is the time to advance in My presence. It is time to advance in your knowledge of My Word. It is time to advance and receive My strength. It is time to advance and take back what is yours—all that I have for you; it does not belong to your adversary or his army. It belongs to My children and My Army. It is time to advance in this knowledge. It is time to storm the enemies' camp and plunder all they have. 

You ask, "Lord, how do we do that?" You do this with Me—saying what I tell you to say and doing what I tell you to do. It is time to obey, My children. It is time to move. It is time to shout. It is time to celebrate, saith the Lord your Redeemer.”  ( )

A SPECTACULAR RESCUE   Date word received:  May 8, 2024    Diana Larkin  “This is NOT just going to be a QUIET RESCUE OPERATION that goes on behind the scenes where most people will not be aware that it is happening. Right now, the Rescue Operation is in STEALTH MODE to PROTECT WHISTLEBLOWERS and INFILTRATORS of the enemy camp. Even though much is being done behind the scenes currently, it won’t always be that way. There will be a SUDDEN and SPECTACULAR WORLDWIDE RESCUE that delivers nations IN A DAY and that showcases My SUPERNATURAL and POWERFUL RIGHT ARM. Illegitimate thrones of power will be SWEPT AWAY, systems that ENSLAVED you will CRASH and BURN, the places of HIDDEN SECRETS and MASSIVE STASHES of supplies will be BURST OPEN and everything will be EXPOSED. It will take people MONTHS to PROCESS all the LIES they have been told for many years, and they will take hold of TRUTH and FREEDOM and will EMBRACE and VALUE them. The AWE and WONDER of who I AM will fill the Land, as people realize that going their own way led them to be DUPED and ENSLAVED. You can welcome them HOME to My heart through the BLOOD of Jesus, and My Kingdom of Light will grow in NUMBERS and in POWER, as you become KEEPERS of TRUTH, FREEDOM, and LOVE. It will come…A SPECTACULAR RESCUE.”

ROMANS 8:31 (TPT) “So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us?”  Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal ( )


TURNING POINT   Date word received:  April 19, 2024   Marcella Ward

“There is a turning point that has begun.  A turning point that will reflect the Son, My Son.  The Alpha and the Omega, The Prince of Peace and the King of Kings.  This turning point is the solution for our nation; for its fruition.  No matter what the devil will say, the Son of God is here to stay.  So watch in the coming months, in the coming years, the Prince of Peace will be gladly cheered.  My Son, My beloved; the Counselor, My Holy Spirit will be the Coming of the Age foretold from of old.  The Alpha and the Omega, the Prince of Peace and the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  AMEN AND AMEN”


THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH IS NEAR   Date word received:  April 21, 2024

Marcella Ward

“The voice of the Lord says to you this day---be prepared for the deceit of the evil one against My Chosen, My remnant.  He will sharpen his arrows but they will be laid bare for the Kingdom of God is beyond reproach.  The devil’s adversaries are on the loose and they will combat the Kingdom of Darkness.  You need not worry.  You need not fear, for the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is near.  Remain at your posts for the evil ones will try to boast but the very words that they utter will fall back on them and they will shutter.  So rejoice and be glad.  Don’t be sad.  I AM HERE.  VICTORY IS NEAR.  SO SHOUT OUT AND DO NOT FEAR!  AMEN & ALLELUIA”

Marcella Ward   May 8, 2024   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”


                                                    PROSPERITY, JOY, HOPE AND UNITY   Marcella Ward    February 5, 2025 Joy, hope, pro...