Wednesday, May 11, 2022


                                           WHY DID JESUS COME AS A CARPENTER

 Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.  Mark 6:3 NIV

“People called Jesus a carpenter (Mark 6:3), and He was known as a carpenter’s son (Matthew 13:55). There is some evidence that the Greek word used for “carpenter” (tekton) could also be translated more broadly as “artisan,” “contractor,” or “handyman.” It is possible, therefore, that Jesus and Joseph were the sort of men you call when something needs to be fixed—be it made of wood, stone, or something else. It is also possible that they acted as civil engineers, even designing bridges or other structures that were needed by the people of the town. This throws an interesting light on Jesus’ later comments about the temple.” (Was Jesus a Carpenter? Got Questions)

Of all of the occupations Jesus could have chosen, why did He choose to be a carpenter? Those who wrote about Him in the New Testament were fishermen (John, Peter), a tentmaker (Paul), a tax collector (Matthew), and a doctor (Luke). Only He was a carpenter. Carpenters work with materials of the earth (wood, steel, stone, sand, limestone, shale, iron ore, etc.) to build structures such as homes. Jesus worked with some of the lowliest among us to begin His ministry and build His church. Is it not fitting that the Creator of all that we know manifested in the flesh to become a builder among us?” (July 24, 2021 by Christian Apologist Why Did Jesus Come as a Carpenter?)

We know that a carpenter takes a raw material, usually wood, and measures, cuts, and fashions it into something that he has imagined.  He takes something that is not useable, i.e. a piece of wood and makes it into a tool that can be used for a specific purpose or something that can protect or shelter someone.  It can be fashioned into a masterpiece because the artisan, the carpenter, has a purpose for what he has created.  It is no longer its former self, so to speak, but a new creation.

Are we not a new creation when we come to Christ?  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!  2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV Does He not mold us into a vessel to be used for His Glory?  Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?  Romans 9:21 NIV 

The same hands that worked with wood and fashioned tools to create something or build something for a purpose stretched out His hands on the cross of wood so that our very own lives could be restored and made anew because of His sacrifice.

Open the following link for a song about “Carpenter’s Tools.”


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