Wednesday, January 17, 2024


                                                GOD’S GLORY WILL FILL THE EARTH

Marcella Ward   January17, 2024

A FUTURE OF WONDER    Diana Larkin   January 16, 2024

 “What you learn in this season of INTENSE BATTLE will carry you through to the SHINING VICTORY. You are learning the importance of DAILY seeking My face, LISTENING for My voice, SOAKING in My presence, and WORSHIPING Me with all your heart and your life. When you HONOR Me with this kind of DEDICATION and CONSECRATION, I will IMPART FAITH, STRENGTH, and COURAGE into your innermost being, and these become the FOUNDATION and the STABILITY of your life. Not only will FAITH, STRENGTH, and COURAGE carry you through this war, it will go with you into ETERNITY where you will FULLY become My Sons and Daughters in My KINGDOM of LIGHT. My Kingdom of Light is now TOUCHING THE EARTH, and you are AWAKENING to your roles as My Sons and Daughters. Everything you learn here on earth about RULING and REIGNING will be TRANSFERRED to ETERNITY and you will sit with Me on thrones of power to help Me OVERSEE the EXPANDING Universe. This is My HEART’S DESIRE to have a FAMILY who KNOWS Me, TRUSTS Me, and RULES in LOVE and POWER with Me. I AM inviting you into A FUTURE OF WONDER—will you join Me?”

 Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal   ( )


RED SEA LIKE MOMENTS WILL CHANGE THIS WORLD   Julie Green Date Word Received: January 5, 2024    Published January 5, 2024


I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, know your authority and get to know Me in a greater way. I am giving out greater revelation, level upon level upon level of revelation knowledge about Who I am, that I live on the inside of you, that I am greater than any problem you are facing, and that I am greater than any impossible situation. I am greater. I am greater than any enemy you are facing. I am greater than any global government. I am greater than any politician. I am greater than any corporation, and I am greater than any news media. I am greater because I am the Great I AM. 

Do not be afraid of what you are about to see because what you are about to see is judgment. What you are about to see is justice being served. You are about to see a rattling and shaking of your enemies’ camps and their control and power over you, My children, because I am moving on your behalf. I am breaking you free from the chains, the bondage of this oppression, slavery, and everything your enemies have done against you. I will turn it around and restore everything that has been lost. And I mean everything.”  ( )

THE USHERING IN OF MY GLORY   Marcella Ward   Date: January 5, 2024

 “Trust Me my child.  Trust in Me.  For the coming days and weeks will be the ushering in of My Glory.  Glory upon the earth.  The seeds that have been planted by the Holy Spirit will begin to sprout and spring forth upon this nation and the world.  For I say to you this day to watch and pray.  I have set a seal upon this nation that can only be opened by My hand.  The seal of My Glory, the seal of My Spirit, the Holy Spirit.  Pay attention to the breakdown of the media and the restoration of truth upon this nation.  For I tell you today that whatever evil has planned will be damned.  Arise and be secure in Me and through Me, you will see, MY REDEMTPION; MY FIRE AND MY GLORY.  ALLELUIA AMEN!!”



Dear Lord,
I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me.
I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you.
I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you.


Holy Spirit, You are God. I praise you because you are holy, and I thank you for dwelling in my heart. Thank you for working in my life. You guided me into salvation, renewed my dead spirit, and you opened my eyes to the Truth. Thank you.

Help me to see you more clearly – to recognize your movement in my life. Make me more sensitive to you so I can follow you more closely. Still, I know that I am selfish and rebellious. I need you to help me be obedient when I recognize your leading. I need you.

I ask you for your help and comfort today. You know my pain and anxieties very well. Thank you for praying over me. Help me to rest in your comfort today.

Help me to walk in you, the Spirit of God. Grow good fruit in my life. You are the one who produces these in me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I cannot live out these things on my own; I need you. Amen
( 5 Prayers to the Holy Spirit  Emily Hall Nov 10, 2023)

Marcella Ward Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”   January 17, 2024



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                                                    PROSPERITY, JOY, HOPE AND UNITY   Marcella Ward    February 5, 2025 Joy, hope, pro...