Wednesday, June 5, 2024


                                                   VICTORY, VICTORY, VICTORY


Marcella Ward  June 5, 2024   ( )

June 4, 2024

 I WILL MAKE THEM SWEAT      Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal


“Waiting for the FULFILLMENT of the promised Rescue Operation has been a CHALLENGE to your FAITH, but you have responded by STRENGTHENING yourself in My PRESENCE and My LOVE. Your FAITH ROOTS have grown DEEP and UNSHAKEABLE. You are no longer MOVED by circumstances—you MOVE circumstances with your FAITH-FILLED DECLARATIONS and DECREES. You have found a place of PEACE with Me in the midst of a HEATED BATTLE, and you are continually REFRESHED in My presence. It is not so for those partnered with DARKNESS. The enemy cannot give them PEACE or COMFORT because he HAS NONE to give. Those partnered with EVIL are on a daily ROLLER COASTER. Their CORRUPT plans will APPEAR to SUCCEED and then, SUDDENLY, they are BACKFIRING on them. Their EVIL GLEE gets turned to FRUSTRATION and ANXIETY. One minute they are SURE their plans to gain CONTROL will SUCCEED and the next, they are PLUNGED into FEAR and DESPERATION as another victory is SNATCHED from their GREEDY clutches. Can you see that I AM WEARING THEM DOWN from the inside out? Can you see beyond their CONFIDENT MASKS and BOASTING WORDS that I AM MAKING THEM SWEAT? Because they have no SOURCE of REAL COMFORT (only FALSE comforters), they will continue to be WORN DOWN INTERNALLY, and OUTWARDLY you will begin to SEE THEM SWEAT. All it takes is for one of them to FOLD, and the whole HOUSE of CARDS will COME DOWN. Be sure that you are being STRENGTHENED DAILY in My presence, and you will observe the darkness IMPLODING, as I MAKE THEM SWEAT.”  ( )


AVENGE, AVENGE, AVENGE      Marcella Ward May 20, 2024

“Avenge, avenge, avenge.  The enemy will decree.  The enemy will see despair and grief.  The enemies’ rewards will cease.  Avenge, avenge, avenge.  The armies of God will seek revenge.  I the Lord, the MOST HIGH GOD will avenge the enemy.  The enemy is hanging by a thread for they know their coming dread.  Their plans will be dead.”


MY VICTORY      Marcella Ward May 22, 2024

“Rest in Me and you will see My Victory over sin and death; over the multitudes of the enemy who will speak of Me with bated breath.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that I AM THE MESSIAH ALMIGHTY GOD PRINCE OF PEACE AND LORD OF LORDS.  AMEN AND AMEN!!”


 ANOMALY         Marcella Ward    May 24, 2024

“Anomaly, anomaly, anomaly.  That is what it will be, for the forces of evil will try to spin a web of deceit but it will fall flat on their feet.  Arise Oh My children, arise.  Take the shield of faith.  Let the temperature rise.  For the coming of My Holy Spirit upon this land is the very essence of My Plan, so arise My children, arise!!   AMEN AND AMEN”


UNREST              Marcella Ward   May 31. 2024

“Unrest, unrest.  All will be put to the test.  The manifestation of My glory will be the story!  So kick up your heals and rejoice, for the coming months will be a choice----A choice between evil and good.  My children you need to be understood.  No matter the escalation.  No matter the crimes.  God the Almighty Father will rescue you in the appointed time!”


Just like Daniel in the Lion’s den and Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego in the fiery furnace, God delivered them from their destruction.  God will deliver us, His children, from the assault of the enemy and rescue us in His perfect timing because God has a Plan and just like the Israelites at the Red Sea, God will rescue us at the appointed time!!


Marcella Ward    Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”

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                                                    PROSPERITY, JOY, HOPE AND UNITY   Marcella Ward    February 5, 2025 Joy, hope, pro...