Wednesday, February 26, 2025



                                          A CHANGE IS COMING TO THE NATIONS


February 26, 2025

A MARCH FOR LIFE        “A Watchman’s Journal”  Diana Larkin

“Fall in step with Me, Army of Light, and join Me in A MARCH FOR LIFE. The world has had ENOUGH of the arrogant elite’s DEATH AGENDAS. Together, let’s TRAMPLE OVER DEATH AND let’s MARCH FOR LIFE. Declare My LIFE into every area of society. Declare: ‘I rebuke death and death agendas, and I command you to give way to the MARCH FOR LIFE. Death agendas, we bury you under our MARCHING feet, and we call forth LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY into the atmosphere. We command LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY to fall from the atmosphere as SEED to be sown into the soil of our nation. We plant these Heavenly seeds with our MARCH FOR LIFE. Darkness and death, you have LOST YOUR REIGN over our land, and we declare a NEW DAY of LIFE, LIFE, LIFE!’ This life will SPRING UP and bring HEALING and WHOLENESS where there has been sickness, trauma, and deception. The DARK AGES are coming to a close, and a RENAISSANCE of NEW LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY is FLOODING IN. Do not put up with any LINGERING DARKNESS or LIES. Continue to declare to the DARK LIES and FEAR-MONGERING, ‘NO MORE VOICE!’ Let My JOY fill your heart, My HOPE shine forth from your eyes, and join Me in A MARCH FOR LIFE!”  “A Watchman’s Journal” Diana Larkin                          ( )



Date Word Received: February 15, 2025 (First Prophecy)

Watch video - published February 19, 2025

“ My children, a systematic change is coming to the church, to governments, to your health, to your families, to the economic system, and to the nations

A systematic change (is coming to take control) out of the hands of the evil corrupt regimes who hijacked your nations and your lives. It is time for the great winds of change to decimate your enemies' plans and to bring in Mine worldwide. 

Rogue, corrupt governmental control is over, and I will put a new system in place in every nation in the world. It is called a system of freedom, freedom from your enemies' culture, their propaganda, their thievery, and their torment. It is time for an unprecedented refreshing in all nations—with My Glory filling each country and the choice of starting new with My way and My plan to give them the gift of restoration of what your enemies have taken from you. 

Peace will be restored. Your joy will be filled. Your bodies will be healed. Your families will be restored. Your finances will be replenished. My children, do not think this cannot be done. It can be, and it has been done before, in the land of Goshen. It is time for you to experience this reset, refresh, and restoration with freedom from the hands of the wicked. I am the same God now, so if I promised to deliver the Israelites then, why would I not do the same for you? Your enemies will pay back what they have stolen from you, and there is no way around that.”  ( )

A TIME TO RUMBLE            February 14, 2025    Marcella Ward

“The world is taking a tumble, but now it is time to rumble.  The schemes and the strategies of evil will not cause upheaval.  For the Lord your God am going against them with My Rod of Power; My Rod of Steel; My Rod that will cause them to kneel.

My Remnant, My children, My faithful do not be fearful, for the Lord your God is faithful.  Trust Me.  Be at peace.  I envelop you with My love and My Glory.  This New Era will become the story.  Be faithful, be free, trust in My Power and My Strength.  Your days ahead will be a time of freedom and peace, My beloved, My children, My joy!”

BE LIFTED UP IN ME         February 21, 2025        Marcella Ward  

“Be lifted up in Me and you will see My Kingdom; My Glory; My recompense; My restitution; My peace; My joy; My remembrance of you and the story you will go through.  The story of My Magnificence; My Will.  Be at peace.  Be joyful, be free.  The enemy will have to flee.  There is Victory only in Me!  ALLELUIA, AMEN!  ARISE, AMEN!  ARISE, ARISE, ARISE!”

RAPID FIRE               February 22, 2025         Marcella Ward

“Rapid fire.  Things are happening at rapid fire!  The enemy didn’t know what hit him.  He is in retreat.  The enemy will be defeated.  Watch, pray.  Stay in My Word.  Repent.  Be set free!  The enemy will have to flee!”  AMEN

This is a time of revival.  This is the time of a real awakening!  Get on board Army of the Lord.  GET ON BOARD!

Marcella Ward      February 26, 2025   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”





Wednesday, February 5, 2025


                                                  PROSPERITY, JOY, HOPE AND UNITY


Marcella Ward   February 5, 2025

Joy, hope, prosperity and unity!  The best is yet to come!  God is promising a reset for the Body of Christ.  All we need to do is trust Him and rest in Him and He will bring it to pass.  We are living in unprecedented times.  The world is changing for the better because of Almighty God and His mercy.  This is the time of the Last Harvest of souls.  This is the greatest time to be alive!  As God gives us this window, let us use it for His Glory and follow his plan for our lives for such a time as this.

PROSPERING   January 31, 2025     Diana Larkin


3 John 1:2 (TPT) “Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering.”


“Do you understand that My desire and My plan for your life is that you would become PROSPERING in every way: body, soul, and spirit. The mind of man CUTS MY GENEROSITY SHORT and thinks that you can only PROSPER in one area of your life, instead of EXPECTING ABUNDANCE and PROSPERING in EVERY part of you because that is My DESIGN and PLAN for you. I gave your body an IMMUNE system so that it could fight off disease, and I created your body to be able to HEAL itself at a cellular level. One of the evil empire’s death agendas has been to CRIPPLE mankind at a cellular level so that it SHORT CIRCUITS My ORIGINAL DESIGN of HEALING. That is why I have instructed you to REVERSE THE CURSE of this evil agenda and to SPEAK to your body—LIFE, PEACE, HEALING, and WHOLENESS. It is also My desire that you PROSPER FINANCIALLY and that you have an ABUNDANCE to share. How can you help supply other’s needs if you are not PROSPERING? PROSPERITY and ABUNDANCE will be hallmarks of the GOLDEN AGE. It is My GREATEST DESIRE that you DRAW NEAR to Me and that you ask that our hearts would be JOINED TOGETHER in a GLORIOUS UNION. It is from this union that FRUITFULNESS is born. PROSPERING in your spirit is the WEALTH of an INTIMATE and RICH relationship with Me. It will result in MULTIPLIED BLESSINGS flowing to you and through you to BLESS all those whose lives you touch. WELCOME My ways of PROSPERING you body, soul, and spirit.”  ( )  (A Watchman’s Journal  January 31, 2025)




 BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM    January 30, 2025   Diana Larkin


As I sat with the Father this morning, I began to smell the beautiful fragrance of Lilacs. It was the smell of new life and hope. I heard Him say, “By the time the lilacs bloom.” I searched for when Lilacs bloom and found out that they begin to bloom from late April to June.


“I AM giving you a MARKER in time to ENCOURAGE you. You are witnessing VICTORY after VICTORY but also the FRUSTRATION of those who STILL DO NOT SEE THE TRUTH but continue to BATTER you with their WARPED SENSE of REALITY and the media’s LIES. Have you ever wondered why they use the expression, ‘being LED AROUND by the NOSE?’ I see that as a picture of FALSE DISCERNMENT from the darkness that leads people into FEAR, ANXIETY, and WRONG CONCLUSIONS. Hold on because TRUTH and AWAKENING  WILL COME IN LIKE A FLOOD. BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM, there will be the beginnings of JOY, NEW HOPE, and GROWING UNITY. The future holds such SWEETNESS, and the FRAGRANCE of LILACS is a WITNESS to My PROMISES COMING TRUE. BREATHE IN My presence and STAY CLOSE to My heart and My comfort, and you will have TRUE DISCERNMENT of the times and seasons. Keep this MARKER in time in your heart, and you will see that BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM, JOY, HOPE, AND UNITY WILL BUD OUT AND BLOOM.”  (“A Watchman’s Journal”  Diana Larkin )


MY GLORY    Word received on January 26, 2025   Marcella Ward

“Child of mine, I say to you to be prepared,  for in the coming months there will be a revolution of My Glory and My Majesty.  The coming of My Spirit, the Holy Spirit, will become a fire upon the earth.  The earth will be resplendent with My Glory.

O you, you who hate Me.  You who blaspheme Me shall be brought to nought.  For there will be an onslaught of My Glory, My Majesty and My Redemption.  The Glory of the Lord shall fill the earth.  Be on guard.  Be not dismayed.  The Glory that I bring will be overflowing as the streams in the desert.  The desert will bloom.  The waters of My Glory shall fill the earth to replenish that which has been stolen.  The enemy will resist but My Glory shall persist!  AMEN AND AMEN ALLELUIA!!”

Marcella Ward   February 5, 2025   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”




                                                  PROSPERITY, JOY, HOPE AND UNITY


Marcella Ward   February 5, 2025

Joy, hope, prosperity and unity!  The best is yet to come!  God is promising a reset for the Body of Christ.  All we need to do is trust Him and rest in Him and He will bring it to pass.  We are living in unprecedented times.  The world is changing for the better because of Almighty God and His mercy.  This is the time of the Last Harvest of souls.  This is the greatest time to be alive!  As God gives us this window, let us use it for His Glory and follow his plan for our lives for such a time as this.

PROSPERING   January 31, 2025     Diana Larkin


3 John 1:2 (TPT) “Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering.”


“Do you understand that My desire and My plan for your life is that you would become PROSPERING in every way: body, soul, and spirit. The mind of man CUTS MY GENEROSITY SHORT and thinks that you can only PROSPER in one area of your life, instead of EXPECTING ABUNDANCE and PROSPERING in EVERY part of you because that is My DESIGN and PLAN for you. I gave your body an IMMUNE system so that it could fight off disease, and I created your body to be able to HEAL itself at a cellular level. One of the evil empire’s death agendas has been to CRIPPLE mankind at a cellular level so that it SHORT CIRCUITS My ORIGINAL DESIGN of HEALING. That is why I have instructed you to REVERSE THE CURSE of this evil agenda and to SPEAK to your body—LIFE, PEACE, HEALING, and WHOLENESS. It is also My desire that you PROSPER FINANCIALLY and that you have an ABUNDANCE to share. How can you help supply other’s needs if you are not PROSPERING? PROSPERITY and ABUNDANCE will be hallmarks of the GOLDEN AGE. It is My GREATEST DESIRE that you DRAW NEAR to Me and that you ask that our hearts would be JOINED TOGETHER in a GLORIOUS UNION. It is from this union that FRUITFULNESS is born. PROSPERING in your spirit is the WEALTH of an INTIMATE and RICH relationship with Me. It will result in MULTIPLIED BLESSINGS flowing to you and through you to BLESS all those whose lives you touch. WELCOME My ways of PROSPERING you body, soul, and spirit.”  ( )  (A Watchman’s Journal  January 31, 2025)




 BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM    January 30, 2025   Diana Larkin


As I sat with the Father this morning, I began to smell the beautiful fragrance of Lilacs. It was the smell of new life and hope. I heard Him say, “By the time the lilacs bloom.” I searched for when Lilacs bloom and found out that they begin to bloom from late April to June.


“I AM giving you a MARKER in time to ENCOURAGE you. You are witnessing VICTORY after VICTORY but also the FRUSTRATION of those who STILL DO NOT SEE THE TRUTH but continue to BATTER you with their WARPED SENSE of REALITY and the media’s LIES. Have you ever wondered why they use the expression, ‘being LED AROUND by the NOSE?’ I see that as a picture of FALSE DISCERNMENT from the darkness that leads people into FEAR, ANXIETY, and WRONG CONCLUSIONS. Hold on because TRUTH and AWAKENING  WILL COME IN LIKE A FLOOD. BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM, there will be the beginnings of JOY, NEW HOPE, and GROWING UNITY. The future holds such SWEETNESS, and the FRAGRANCE of LILACS is a WITNESS to My PROMISES COMING TRUE. BREATHE IN My presence and STAY CLOSE to My heart and My comfort, and you will have TRUE DISCERNMENT of the times and seasons. Keep this MARKER in time in your heart, and you will see that BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM, JOY, HOPE, AND UNITY WILL BUD OUT AND BLOOM.”  (“A Watchman’s Journal”  Diana Larkin )


MY GLORY    Word received on January 26, 2025   Marcella Ward

“Child of mine, I say to you to be prepared,  for in the coming months there will be a revolution of My Glory and My Majesty.  The coming of My Spirit, the Holy Spirit, will become a fire upon the earth.  The earth will be resplendent with My Glory.

O you, you who hate Me.  You who blaspheme Me shall be brought to nought.  For there will be an onslaught of My Glory, My Majesty and My Redemption.  The Glory of the Lord shall fill the earth.  Be on guard.  Be not dismayed.  The Glory that I bring will be overflowing as the streams in the desert.  The desert will bloom.  The waters of My Glory shall fill the earth to replenish that which has been stolen.  The enemy will resist but My Glory shall persist!  AMEN AND AMEN ALLELUIA!!”

Marcella Ward   February 5, 2025   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”





Wednesday, January 29, 2025


                                                             THE GOLDEN AGE

Marcella Ward   January 29, 2025

God is answering our prayers.  He is faithful to His promises!  God is in our midst, and He is fulfilling His plans and His promises.  This is one of the greatest times to be alive!  Let us rejoice and be glad.  God still speaks to His people.  Let us praise and adore Him!!

WHAT IS THE GOLDEN AGE?  January 29, 2025     Diana Larkin

“The ADVANCING and EXPANDING Kingdom Era will be known as THE GOLDEN AGE. My GLORY is GOLDEN, and My GLORY will INHABIT the Kingdom Era. My GOLDEN GLORY will INVADE every dark scheme that has come to KILL, STEAL, or DESTROY. My GLORY is filled with My GOODNESS, a greater GRACE, My JUSTICE, and My RIGHTEOUSNESS. As My GOLDEN GLORY DISPLACES the darkness, the atmosphere will become CLEANER, PURER, and the skies will be BLUER. My GOLDEN GLORY will OVERTAKE CORRUPT, CONTROLLING, and THIEVING financial systems. The result of purified systems will be FREEDOM and UNHINDERED WEALTH. My GOLDEN GLORY will BURN through the PERVERSIONS and ADDICTIONS that were purposely sown into your societies. What took the darkness DECADES to introduce and what was meant to CONSUME your life with SHADOWS and SHAME, will be SWEPT AWAY by the PURIFYING FIRE of My GOLDEN GLORY. I AM not just coming to RESCUE your nations from TYRANNY and DESTRUCTION, I AM coming to ESTABLISH My Kingdom among you—‘Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.’ Everywhere I RULE, My GLORY is present. Because it is the very ESSENCE of who I AM, it contains EVERYTHING you will need to live a FULL and ABUNDANT LIFE: HEALTH, WEALTH, FREEDOM, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE, PEACE, and a DESIRE to be in UNION with Me. Great CREATIVITY will FLOW from the GOLDEN AGE because I AM the Master Creator, and the FREEDOM to DREAM, PLAN, and CREATE will fill the air where GREED, CORRUPTION, and IMPURITY once reigned. Partner with Me in CALLING FORTH My GLORY to fill the earth and to bring in the GOLDEN AGE.”  (Diana Larkin  “A Watchman’s Journal” )


O Lord, we acknowledge You as the King of Glory, strong and mighty in battle, mighty to save. We lift up our heads, and we open wide the gates of our hearts to welcome You in. You are the Lord of lords, and there is no one like You. We worship You, for You are great, and Your greatness is beyond measure.

You have triumphed over sin and death, and You reign forever as the victorious King. O God, we thank You for the victory that we have in Christ Jesus, for in His name, we have overcome. We bow before You, King of kings, declaring Your dominion and power over our lives. May our worship reflect the reverence and awe that is due to Your name, and may we never lose sight of Your glory. We praise You for Your faithfulness, for You have established Your throne in righteousness and truth. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let Your glory be over all the earth. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.   ( 21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God

21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God  By George Hendricks  September 18, 2024)


“Dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge the presence of Your Holy Spirit in our midst. You have not left us alone, but You have sent Your Spirit to dwell within us, to guide us, and to empower us for Your work. O Lord, we are grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth and teaches us Your ways.

We worship You, O God, for the Spirit’s presence in our lives, for through Him, we are made new, and through Him, we experience the fullness of life in Christ. O Holy Spirit, we welcome You to move in our hearts and lives, to convict us of sin, to comfort us in our trials, and to fill us with the power to do the will of the Father. We ask that You would stir within us a deeper desire to know You, to walk in step with You, and to be led by Your wisdom. May our worship be guided by Your Spirit, and may we live each day in the awareness of Your presence. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”  ( 21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God 21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God  By George Hendricks  September 18, 2024)

Praise, honor and glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and the Holy Spirit!  We acknowledge You.  We praise You and we give You Glory!  Enlighten our hearts that we may praise You in everything we say and everything we do!

Marcella Ward   January 29, 2025   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”



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Wednesday, January 22, 2025


                                      RESTORATION, TRIUMPH AND GOD’S GLORY


Marcella Ward   January 22, 2025

We are entering the New Era.  As President Trump says, “A Golden Age.”  God is giving us a window of time to re-set the world for His coming Glory.  The End Time Harvest is near.  God’s Word is clear.  The restoration of the nation is here.!!


TRIUMPH!   DIANA Larkin     “A WATCHMAN’S JOURNAL”    January 20, 2025


“This is a day of GREAT TRIUMPH! TRIUMPH over so many dark plans. TRIUMPH over LYING, CHEATING, and STEALING. A TRIUMPH that will usher in TRUE JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. A TRIUMPH of FREEDOM over DARK TYRANNY. Today, I want you to EAT CAKE and CELEBRATE a hard-fought VICTORY won by the Forces of Light and My strong right arm. Feel the HUGE SHIFT in momentum from dark to Light. Those partnered with darkness are watching with ANGER and DREAD, as they see all their evil schemes being THWARTED and EXPOSED one after another. They realize their EXPOSURE is imminent, so they are going to FIRE their BIG GUNS. Just remember that My POWER far OUTWEIGHS their destructive schemes, and I have promised you a FULL and COMPLETE VICTORY. Call forth and deploy Warrior Host who will POKE HOLES in every evil plan the enemy launches. Commission Cloaking Angels to COVER those holes so that the darkness is UNAWARE that the POWER and DESTRUCTION is LEAKING OUT of their plans. I want you to know that NOTHING will STOP My COMPLETE RESCUE and VICTORY for your nation and the world. In short, those partnered with darkness are DOOMED to EXPOSURE, DEFEAT, and TRUE JUSTICE. Today, I want you to BREATHE IN this VICTORY that has been won as your rightful leader is placed into his office. EAT CAKE, CELEBRATE, and be REFRESHED for the clean-up battles ahead. You all have a share in this TRIUMPH!”  (Diana Larkin  A Watchman’s Journal }


RECEIVING    Word given on December 31, 2024     Marcella Ward

“This year (2025) will be a year of receiving.  Receive My Power, My Glory, My abundance, My faith, My grandeur, My blessings, your destiny and My peace.”


RESTORATION   Word given on January 17, 2025    Marcella Ward

“Restoration, restoration, restoration to the Nation.  My Revival, My Revival will be the survival of our Nation.  Don’t forget that the promise, My promises will be kept.  I AM THE GOD OF MY WORD.  THE ALPHA, THE OMEGA, PRINCE OF PEACE AND LORD OF LORDS!  ALLELUIA AND AMEN AND AMEN.”


 Marcella Ward   January 22, 2025   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”

                                              A CHANGE IS COMING TO THE NATIONS   February 26, 2025 A MARCH FOR LIFE         “A Watc...