Wednesday, August 14, 2024



Marcella Ward   August 14, 2024

I John 1:9If we admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Psalm 103:12 “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”

Ephesians 4:32 “And become useful and helpful and kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving-hearted), forgiving one another (readily and freely), as God in Christ forgave you.”

Matthew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive people their trespasses (their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment), your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” But if you do not forgive others their trespasses (their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment), neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses.” 
We know that Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins.  He died in our place.  He saved us from the jaws of death of eternal damnation.  Just as we accept God’s forgiveness, so we too must forgive others for their offenses against us. 

Forgiveness is so important that when the Apostles asked Jesus to show them how to pray, He prayed the “Our Father” which has “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
How many of us have carried around unforgiveness for a certain person or persons?  You have heard the old adage that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick?  Actually it is the person who has an unforgiving heart that can become sick, this is based on fact.  Unforgiveness can actually block our prayers for healing and other prayers because we are not in harmony with God.  We need to be in harmony with God and His Word if we expect our prayers to be answered.  

There is no other way to say it, but Jesus Himself said that if we do not forgive, then God will not forgive us.  It is very simple.  If this seems harsh, God is a just God.  There is a story of an African pastor who died in a car accident and was taken to hell by an angel.  He saw many people suffering in hell.  He saw people who had been Christians but had unconfessed sin in their lives like a pastor that had secretly stolen money from the Church.  The angel told him that this is where he would be because he had not forgiven his wife before he died.  He was shocked because he told the angel that he was a pastor preaching the Gospel.  Miraculously, he was resurrected from the dead and now lives to tell the story of the reality of hell and the lot for those who will not forgive.
Forgiveness requires action.  Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins.  We need to forgive others.  Sometimes we even need to forgive God because we may blame Him.  Sometimes the first step is just to say “I forgive…..” even if you don’t feel it.  Remember forgiveness is an action not a feeling.  Don’t be afraid to reach out in reconciliation to the person who has hurt you if it is possible.  If a hurt comes back to “haunt” you because it is hard to forget, just ask God to bless that person and give that person to God.  It may take a while to heal a wounded heart but God is in the business of healing wounded souls, so lean on Him, trust Him and with His strength and healing power, you will be able to move on and be the open vessel that God wants you to be so He can fill you with more of Himself so you can be a healing balm to someone who needs God’s touch.
Forgiveness requires action.  Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins.  We need to forgive others.  Sometimes we even need to forgive God because we may blame Him.  Sometimes the first step is just to say “I forgive…..” even if you don’t feel it.  Remember forgiveness is an action not a feeling.  Don’t be afraid to reach out in reconciliation to the person who has hurt you if it is possible.  If a hurt comes back to “haunt” you because it is hard to forget, just ask God to bless that person and give that person to God.  It may take a while to heal a wounded heart but God is in the business of healing wounded souls, so lean on Him, trust Him and with His strength and healing power, you will be able to move on and be the open vessel that God wants you to be so He can fill you with more of Himself so you can be a healing balm to someone who needs God’s touch.
Heavenly Father,
Whose forgiveness of me
Requires me to forgive others
Send Your Spirit
To change my heart
And heal any soul wounds
That I may be free to forgive
Even as You in Christ, forgave me

And so I forgive others who have hurt me
And I forgive myself
And I place any hurts and any unforgiveness
At the foot of the cross.  Amen
Marcella Ward   August 14, 2024   Author of "Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One 

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