Wednesday, August 21, 2024


                                                             VICTORY OVER EVIL


Marcella Ward     August 21, 2024



Date Word Received: August 7, 2024

Watch video - published August 8, 2024

“My children, you have entered into unprecedented times. Things you cannot explain will happen. Things you thought you would never see, you are about to see. Your Nation will experience something it has never experienced to this degree. Many things are about to take place for the destruction of the establishment and the chokehold they have had over My nations. Yes, nations, not just the Land of My Eagle. They have also done things to infiltrate and try to destroy My Israel. 

Your enemies will pay a high price because of the destruction and the death they have brought on Earth. Your enemies are about to fall apart and lose everything they hold dear, and they are about to go and hide for a time. They will try this again at the very end of days, but for now, this time is for you, My Church, to arise and take back all that belongs to you. 

Do not fear this time. Do not fear this shaking. Do not fear the unknown or what lies ahead. I am directing, leading, and guiding you to your victory. 

This great shaking will lead you into a great awakening where My Church will be cleansed, strengthened, and united. My Church rising is what your enemies are petrified of. They have silenced and suppressed you for long enough. So, My children, shout your enemies to the ground

It is time for great removals in the Land of My Eagle. It is time for a great political reset. It is time for My Church to take leadership roles and lead this Nation into its blessing and the power it was always designed to have. It was held back because this Nation was hijacked for so long. But it is time for the great release. My remnant, keep standing, keep fighting. It is working. Do not lose hope now. It is time for the giants to fall, saith the Lord of Hosts.”  ( )


August 14, 2024

SHIELDS UP!     Diana Larkin

“My Army of Light, did you HEAR Me early this morning telling you it was TIME to AWAKEN? It is TIME to MOBILIZE the WHOLE Army of Light. SHIELDS UP! I AM not calling you to DEFEND your land, I AM calling you to ARISE and to PURSUE the enemy until he is DEFEATED and you have RECOVERED ALL. PURSUE with your FAITH in Me and My PROMISES going before you. Go with DECREES and DECLARATIONS on your lips. Keep speaking into the atmosphere, ‘You have LOST; we have WON!’ Leave NO LYING REPORT that the darkness speaks GO UNCHALLENGED. Send forth My FIERY ARROWS of TRUTH into the LIES and watch them BURN and FALL to the GROUND. Call for My Host to JOIN you in PUSHING ASIDE EVERY enemy scheme and plan. Ask My HOST TO reinforce YOUR demands that the enemy RETURN what he has STOLEN from your life: your RELATIONSHIPS, your CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN, your FINANCES, your HEALTH, the TRUTH about history and present-day circumstances, and the EXPOSURE of the DECEPTIONS and LIES that hold people in BONDAGE—GIVE THEM BACK! Keep PUSHING HARD against the enemy until he is pushed into FULL-ON RETREAT and then DRIVE him RIGHT INTO THE JAWS OF MY FINAL TRAP. As you go about your daily life and responsibilities, allow Me to keep your spirit ALERT to this FINAL PUSH against the darkness. PRAY CONSTANTLY in the Spirit. DECREE and DECLARE.  WORSHIP with all of your heart. STAY CONNECTED to My PRESENCE so that you HEAR BATTLE STRATEGIES and are CONTINUALLY REFRESHED and STRENGTHENED in Me. In spite of all the FLACK, LIES, SMOKESCREENS, and THREATS of the enemy that he is FRANTICALLY launching, I AM telling you that you have the ADVANTAGE in this battle of DARK to LIGHT. Your warfare has BROKEN their UNIFIED FRONT and WEAKENED their DEADLY SCHEMES. Don’t get SIDETRACKED with all the DISTRACTIONS they will roll out; don’t get caught in MEANINGLESS DEBATES, and do not take the BAIT of OFFENSE because these all SIDELINE you from the battle I want you FOCUSED on. As long as you are partnered WITH ME, YOU cannot lose. SHIELDS UP—WE’RE GOING IN!” ( )

Diana Larkin

A Watchman’s Journal 

 A prayer for victory over evil:

Holy God, I come before you, overwhelmed by the vastness of evil in this world. It grows ever darker, and I need your light to shine ever brighter. Help me to stand firm, holding my shield of faith high in order to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. Let your word go forth with truth and justice so that you would triumph over the evil in this world. Your power astounds and resounds and I wait in anticipation for your victory.  (How Do I Pray for Victory?  Jessica Van Roekel Author of Reframing Rejection Updated Aug 29, 2019)

  Psalm 18:47-49

New Century Version

47 God gives me victory over my enemies
    and brings people under my rule.
48 He saves me from my enemies.

You set me over those who hate me.
    You saved me from violent people.
49 So I will praise you, Lord, among the nations.
    I will sing praises to your name.


God does save us from our enemies.  God will protect us and He will bring down judgment upon our adversaries.  We need not lose hope.  The best is yet to come because we serve a Mighty God who delivered the Israelites from the hand of the Pharoah in Egypt and we will see the deliverance of the Lord from evil.

Marcella Ward    August 21, 2024    Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”


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