Wednesday, January 29, 2025


                                                             THE GOLDEN AGE

Marcella Ward   January 29, 2025

God is answering our prayers.  He is faithful to His promises!  God is in our midst, and He is fulfilling His plans and His promises.  This is one of the greatest times to be alive!  Let us rejoice and be glad.  God still speaks to His people.  Let us praise and adore Him!!

WHAT IS THE GOLDEN AGE?  January 29, 2025     Diana Larkin

“The ADVANCING and EXPANDING Kingdom Era will be known as THE GOLDEN AGE. My GLORY is GOLDEN, and My GLORY will INHABIT the Kingdom Era. My GOLDEN GLORY will INVADE every dark scheme that has come to KILL, STEAL, or DESTROY. My GLORY is filled with My GOODNESS, a greater GRACE, My JUSTICE, and My RIGHTEOUSNESS. As My GOLDEN GLORY DISPLACES the darkness, the atmosphere will become CLEANER, PURER, and the skies will be BLUER. My GOLDEN GLORY will OVERTAKE CORRUPT, CONTROLLING, and THIEVING financial systems. The result of purified systems will be FREEDOM and UNHINDERED WEALTH. My GOLDEN GLORY will BURN through the PERVERSIONS and ADDICTIONS that were purposely sown into your societies. What took the darkness DECADES to introduce and what was meant to CONSUME your life with SHADOWS and SHAME, will be SWEPT AWAY by the PURIFYING FIRE of My GOLDEN GLORY. I AM not just coming to RESCUE your nations from TYRANNY and DESTRUCTION, I AM coming to ESTABLISH My Kingdom among you—‘Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.’ Everywhere I RULE, My GLORY is present. Because it is the very ESSENCE of who I AM, it contains EVERYTHING you will need to live a FULL and ABUNDANT LIFE: HEALTH, WEALTH, FREEDOM, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE, PEACE, and a DESIRE to be in UNION with Me. Great CREATIVITY will FLOW from the GOLDEN AGE because I AM the Master Creator, and the FREEDOM to DREAM, PLAN, and CREATE will fill the air where GREED, CORRUPTION, and IMPURITY once reigned. Partner with Me in CALLING FORTH My GLORY to fill the earth and to bring in the GOLDEN AGE.”  (Diana Larkin  “A Watchman’s Journal” )


O Lord, we acknowledge You as the King of Glory, strong and mighty in battle, mighty to save. We lift up our heads, and we open wide the gates of our hearts to welcome You in. You are the Lord of lords, and there is no one like You. We worship You, for You are great, and Your greatness is beyond measure.

You have triumphed over sin and death, and You reign forever as the victorious King. O God, we thank You for the victory that we have in Christ Jesus, for in His name, we have overcome. We bow before You, King of kings, declaring Your dominion and power over our lives. May our worship reflect the reverence and awe that is due to Your name, and may we never lose sight of Your glory. We praise You for Your faithfulness, for You have established Your throne in righteousness and truth. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let Your glory be over all the earth. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.   ( 21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God

21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God  By George Hendricks  September 18, 2024)


“Dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge the presence of Your Holy Spirit in our midst. You have not left us alone, but You have sent Your Spirit to dwell within us, to guide us, and to empower us for Your work. O Lord, we are grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth and teaches us Your ways.

We worship You, O God, for the Spirit’s presence in our lives, for through Him, we are made new, and through Him, we experience the fullness of life in Christ. O Holy Spirit, we welcome You to move in our hearts and lives, to convict us of sin, to comfort us in our trials, and to fill us with the power to do the will of the Father. We ask that You would stir within us a deeper desire to know You, to walk in step with You, and to be led by Your wisdom. May our worship be guided by Your Spirit, and may we live each day in the awareness of Your presence. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”  ( 21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God 21 Best Worship Prayers of Adoration to Praise God  By George Hendricks  September 18, 2024)

Praise, honor and glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and the Holy Spirit!  We acknowledge You.  We praise You and we give You Glory!  Enlighten our hearts that we may praise You in everything we say and everything we do!

Marcella Ward   January 29, 2025   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”



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