Friday, September 18, 2020



What is faith?  According to Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things (we) hope for, being the proof of things, (we) do not see and the conviction of their reality (faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.)”

Why is faith so important in order for anyone to be healed?  I think it is important because I believe that faith is the trigger that sparks God’s healing power.  Remember the woman with the issue of blood?  She thought to herself if only I can touch the hem of His (Christ’s) garment I will be healed.  Faith requires an action.  She believed in her heart and she acted on it.  So many times Jesus has said that it is because of your faith that you have been healed.  Jesus, many cases, asked people to perform an action and then they were healed like when Jesus asked the man with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand.  Many times in a healing service, the person, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, will tell people that believed that they have been healed to “do something that they could not do before.”  

Is healing always instantaneous?  Not always, in fact, one of the blind persons Jesus healed did not receive his sight instantaneously.  Jesus healed a blind man and it took a couple of times for Jesus to pray for him for him to be healed. In Mark 8:23-25 it says, “And He caught the blind many by the hand and led him out of the village; and when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands upon him, He asked him, Do you (possibly) see anything?  And he looked up and said, I see people, but (they look) like trees, walking.  Then He put His hands on his eyes again; and the man looked intently (that is, fixed his eyes on definite objects), and he was restored and saw everything distinctly (even what was at a distance).”

God’s healing power and answer to prayer was evident in February 2016 when our granddaughter, Anastasia, a few weeks before she was born, was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor that was wrapped around one of her kidneys.  We were all shocked because all the ultra sounds had not shown anything until this routine test.  There were many, many friends and family who prayed and we stood on the Word of God in Matthew 18:19 that says that if two or three agree about whatever they ask it will be done by the Father in heaven.  We stood on God’s Word and several days after Anastasia was born they performed surgery to remove the kidney with the tumor and they did a biopsy on the tumor and it was no longer cancerous but benign!!  We give God all the honor and the glory.  By the way, during the time of her initial diagnosis I felt led to look up the meaning of Anastasia, and in Greek it means Resurrection so that was a sign to me that everything was going to be okay.  And today she is a very healthy and beautiful 4 year old that gives us such great joy!!

Doctors say that between 80-90 percent of illnesses are directly related to stressful situations and can directly cause illness.  I know in my own life, I tend to get sick when I am stressed out.  I also heard from a doctor that fear can shut down the immune system so it seems that our psyche as well as our body are so directly connected—one affecting the other.  

Our being consists of our body, soul and spirit.  Our soul is made up of our mind, will and emotions.  In III John 1:2 is says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and (that your body) may keep well, even as (I know) your soul keeps well and prospers.” 

According to Katie Souza, she states that our souls have been wounded through 2 main sources:  Sin and Trauma

Sin—When we sin against ourselves.  Those sins, according to the scripture, can wound us.  Maybe somebody sinned against us.  Someone may have verbally or physically attacked us, rejected us, abandoned us, and we were offended and have un-forgiveness in our heart towards them and even towards ourselves when we sin against ourselves.  These sins and any un-forgiveness can wound us.

Trauma—Tragic events can leave wounds in our soul such as a tragic accident, a death in the family, the loss of a job or relationship, such as a divorce or loss of a child and many other tragic events.   All these can cause a wound in our soul.

If any of you have an illness and/or condition, put your hand over your heart and we’ll say this prayer together.  REPEAT AFTER ME
Jesus, I repent for any sin
That may be the root cause of this illness
I put the blood of Jesus on it
I forgive anyone that has sinned against me
I put the blood of Jesus on it right now
I plead the blood of Jesus over it now
I also decree that any sin from my ancestors
Thru my blood line
Is washed by the blood right now
In the Name of Jesus
It is being removed now in Jesus Name
I receive the blood of Jesus in my soul
I have been risen to new life
Through the resurrection
And the power of the blood of Jesus Christ
My soul is renewed
I am being strengthened and reinforced
With mighty power in my spirit
My soul is being filled
By the blood of Jesus
With resurrection power

I receive it now
I receive it now
My body is being healed by the blood of Jesus
Resurrection power is healing my body and my soul
I receive it now
I receive it now    Amen

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