Wednesday, December 2, 2020


                                                     THE BEST IS YET TO COME


Doom and gloom, doom and gloom, doom and gloom!  How many times have you heard this?  Are you tired of the bad news that is continually being broadcast from most networks?  Are you tired of hearing this?  Don’t let it get you down because “The best is yet to come!”  Where have we been hearing these words lately?  Yes, you guessed it.  None other than Trump himself.  Could it be that God is using Trump’s voice to speak to us and give us encouragement?  We are at a very low time in our country where the spirit of fear is rampant and the truth is being stifled by many.  The false prophets (some of the people in the media) are “preaching” a message of false hope that a change or re-set in our government will solve all of our problems.

I would say, don’t be so quick.  It isn’t over until God says it is over!!  The best is yet to come.  We as Christians can have hope, through Christ, that as long as we keep our minds and hearts fixed on Him, we will get through this time of turmoil and have faith that God will do what only He can do. 

There are many prophets that have said and are still saying that President Trump will have a second term.  Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.  Amos 3:7 (N9V) 

The following quote is from an article by Christianity Donald Trump Prophecy (by Noah (2 years ago)

“Prophet Kim Clement Said In 2007 Trump Would Serve TWO Terms and Build Walls of Protection!

1.  He said (in 2007) that Donald Trump will not only become President but he will be a TWO TERM President.  So mark that down folks.

2.  He said Donald Trump would build “walls of protection.”  Isn’t that amazing?  You are watching prophecy play out before your very eyes on the nightly news!  It’s like living in the pages of the Bible!  

3.  And then this is the one that really hit me.  He says he [Trump] will not be a praying president when he goes in, but God will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and His power while in office.  He continues, saying Trump will become a praying president, not a religious one.  “For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will.’”  He says Trump will go into office whispering the name of God, but after his baptism in the Holy Spirit, he will boldly shout out by the power of the Spirit!

It’s this last one that really interests me because I think it’s the last one to really see play out.  

I believe we are in fact already seeing signs of it, but I think it will become very obvious soon. 

And when it does, WATCH OUT, because we will not only have a powerful and wise man of human abilities, but we will have a man filled with the POWER of the Holy Spirit guiding us through 2024, a literal David in our midst!”

No, it’s not over until God says it is over!!  So don’t get disappointed.  You need to keep the faith.  The best IS yet to come.  God still has a plan for this country.  There is going to be a revival and an awakening coming that will be ushering in the great harvest before the Second Coming of Jesus!   God loves us so much that He wants everyone to join Him at the Banquet Table of the Bridegroom (Jesus) and His Church (The Bride of Christ).

I believe the Lord gave me the following words on November 29, 2020:

“There will be an avalanche against the enemy.  An avalanche of Biblical proportions.  One in which My power will know, no bounds.  So prepare for this for I will be opening the Red Sea to bring My people across and there will be an avalanche of My power that will overwhelm the enemies camp.  So rejoice and be exceedingly glad My children.  This is the decree of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  Prepare; be My reinforcers of the Kingdom which is to come and which is within you.  Be a force for the Kingdom of God.  For I AM WHO I AM and no demon in hell will prevent what I am doing now.  My voice has spoken and I will do it so prepare army of God.  PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE!!”


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