Sunday, August 15, 2021

                                                        WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?


During my prayer time, a few days ago, the Lord showed me pictures of the apostles of Jesus with masks on and then He showed me a picture of Jesus wearing a mask.  The thought was would Jesus be wearing a mask today?  Would He be afraid to lay hands on people?  Jesus and the apostles did not run away from disease or illness but toward it.  We know that Jesus healed a leper.  Don't you think that Jesus and the apostles healed even the lepers?  We know Jesus did. 

Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy

While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.

Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses.  Luke 5:12-15 NIV

The Lord told me to draw a picture of Jesus wearing a mask with the caption, "Is this what Jesus would do?"  Now some would argue that Jesus is God so He would not have to worry about getting sick because we know He never did but Jesus led by example.

More and more information is coming out about the lies they are telling us about masks and the vaccines.  We need to take a stand and stop listening to the world because now that we are in the latter days, deception is going to be paramount.  Let's listen to the words of Jesus when He said in Luke 8:50 Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” NIV

Marcella Ward August 15, 2021

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