Wednesday, September 15, 2021

                                       THE SCIENCE OF HEALING AND DELIVERANCE


What is deliverance?  Deliverance is defined as “a rescue from bondage or danger. 

Did you know that science and deliverance go hand in hand?  It has been proven through science that our thoughts impact every cell in our body.

The science of epigenetics is “The study of the transfer of generational inheritance along the bloodline.”  There are markers on our DNA that can be traced back generationally who experienced trauma or opened a doorway to the enemy (devil).  Science says it transfers down through an individual’s DNA. 

A study out of Emery University consisted of two separate DNA petri dishes.  One group was told to think positivity in the presence of the DNA and the other group to think negativity, hatred, etc.  It was observed that in the positivity group, the DNA would lengthen and become at rest and peaceful.   In the negativity group, the DNA began to constrict and bind.”  (“The Science of Deliverance” Jareb Nott)

“The science of forgiveness cracks open the door to healing and it allows us to identify where the problems are and when the enemy has come in and established a foothold.” (Jareb Nott “The Science of Deliverance”)

The Stanford Forgiveness Project concluded that forgiveness heals the body, heals the mind and the heart.  Holding unforgiveness will lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney failure, sleeping disorders, etc.

Science shows that when we forgive those things can be healed.  The American Cancer Society prescribes forgiveness as a part of the treatment for healing because it works.

The science of fear is something the world uses to control and constrict the Body of Christ and those wanting to seek Jesus more fully.  Fear itself has been proven to be detrimental to the body.  “The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) states that fear, anxiety disorder, has no good treatment.  (Jareb Nott “The Science of Deliverance”)

  For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].  2 Timothy 1:7 AMP

Fear is a spirit.  It increase our cortisone, blood pressure and sleep problems.  We can remove the spirit of fear by prayer and commanding it to leave in Jesus’ Name.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.  1 John 4:18 NIV

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2 NIV

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.  Matthew 10:1 NIV

From a Christian perspective, we speak to the generational curses and trauma and cause them to re-set at the DNA level bringing the person back to the perfection that God intended.

We have the power of God within us to speak to the DNA to cause trauma and generational curses to fall off and no longer impact the children of God.

Jareb Nott testifies that there are many, many miracles in his ministry.  There are not only physical but emotional as well.  Both are intertwined.  DNA is the very essence of who we are.  We have the DNA of God in us because we are made in His image.  Science has proven that fear, unforgiveness and negative or positive thinking can be transferred to our DNA generationally.  It is up to us to seek to be healed in body, mind and spirit. 



JAREB: And right now, I thank you, Lord, that everyone watching and listening is fearfully and
wonderfully made. I declare over you what God's word says, that you were created in God's
likeness. That you were called to represent God's kingdom on this earth. I speak to the demonic
entry points in your family lineage right now and I close them and I command all traumatic
experiences to detach from your genetic code right now, in the name of Jesus.

JAREB: I declare over you that you are not the result of your inherited genes. That you are not a
flawed person by design. I declare that genetic infirmity is not God's plan for you. I speak truth
into your DNA and into your life and into your spirit. You were created in the image of God.
You were fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose. I speak healing to your genetic code
right now. I command all genetic infirmity to be removed instantly. I command all marks on
your DNA that have attached themselves anywhere in your family lineage to the 10th generation and beyond to be removed and to leave your body now.

JAREB: And God, it is written that when we ask you for healing we will receive. Therefore, I
ask you, Lord, for a complete and thorough reset of their entire genetic code, returning them to
the perfection that you intended at their creation. And now, Lord, I declare over them Proverbs
17:22, "That a cheerful heart is good medicine." And I bless you now, each and every one of you
with an abundant spirit of joy that brings healing and restoration. Amen.

JAREB: I want to tell you that no matter how many generations of trauma are in your life,
trauma from abuse, trauma from pornography, trauma from alcoholism, trauma from infirmity, it stops with you.

It is finished.


Marcella Ward September 15, 2021



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