Wednesday, October 27, 2021

                                                         IS THE BEST YET TO COME?

Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and were removed from the garden.  Satan thought he had won, but “the best was yet to come.”  Abraham obeyed God and went up to a mountain to slay his son, but God stopped him, because “the best was yet to come.”  Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt but they complained and went around the mountain for 40 years, but “the best was yet to come.” 

Ruth pleaded before the King for her people even at the risk of death, but “the best was yet to come.”  Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, but “the best was yet to come.”  Jesus was nailed to a cross, suffered and died for our salvation and the devil thought he had won, “but the best was yet to come!”

Are you tired of the bad news that is continually being broadcast from most networks?  Are you tired of hearing this?  Don’t let it get you down because “The best is yet to come!”  Where have we heard these words of encouragement before?  None other than Trump himself.  Could it be that God is using Trump’s voice to speak to us and give us encouragement?  We are at a very low time in our country where the spirit of fear is rampant and the truth is being stifled by many.  The false prophets (most of the people in the media) are “preaching” a message of false hope that a change or re-set in our government will solve all of our problems.

I would say, don’t be so quick.  It isn’t over until God says it is over!!  The best is yet to come.  We, as Christians, can have hope, through Christ, that as long as we keep our minds and hearts fixed on Him, we will get through this time of turmoil and have faith that God will do what only He can do. 

There are many prophets that have said and are still saying that President Trump will have a second term.  Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.  Amos 3:7 (N9V) Does this mean that we need to look to President Trump being the “savior” of the world?  No, I think not, but God is and will be using him as well as other patriots to lead His people out of bondage. 

People are waking up.  We are in probably the greatest awakening in all of history!  This is going to be the biggest and greatest harvest of souls of all time.

No, it’s not over until God says it is over!!  So don’t be disappointed.  You need to keep the faith.  The best IS yet to come.  God still has a plan for this country and the world.  There is going to be a revival, an awakening, coming that will be ushering in the great harvest before the Second Coming of Jesus!   God loves us so much that He wants everyone to join Him at the Banquet Table of the Bridegroom (Jesus) and His Church (The Bride of Christ).

I believe the Lord game me the following words on November 9, 2020:

“God is assembling an army, an army of believers to fight the good fight to be victorious and win the battle.  He is appointing generals, admirals, and sergeants.  He is booting out the chaff.  We are all called to this army.  Be ready, be ready for battle.  Be prepared, the best is yet to come.  There is never a battle without an enemy.  The enemy is the left, the evil one.  Be strong.  Be vigilant.  Be calm. For I give you the sword of My Spirit, My Word which will go before you.  So march on My people.  Be ready for the battle.  Know ye this, there can be no victory without the fight.  March on.  Be calm.  Be strong.  Watch and wait for My directions.”

I believe the Lord gave me the following words on November 29, 2020:

“There will be an avalanche against the enemy.  An avalanche of Biblical proportions.  One in which My power will know, no bounds.  So prepare for this for I will be opening the Red Sea to bring My people across and there will be an avalanche of My power that will overwhelm the enemies camp.  So rejoice and be exceedingly glad My children.  This is the decree of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  Prepare; be My re-enforcers of the Kingdom which is to come and which is within you.  Be a force for the Kingdom of God.  For I AM WHO I AM and no demon in hell will prevent what I am doing now.  My voice has spoken and I will do it so prepare army of God.  PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE!!”

Is the best yet to come?  Yes I believe it is and it is in God’s Holy Word.  Evil has an expiration date and I believe we are living in the greatest time in history but it is up to us to stand for God and our freedoms!  Evil has to be constrained so that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be exemplified as well as preached before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.  Matthew 24:14 NIV

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.  No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.  Revelation 22:1-5 NIV

 Marcella Ward October 27, 2021



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