Wednesday, March 16, 2022

                                         OUR WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE


The following quotation is from Julie Green, from “Julie Green Ministries International” .  She is a prophet of the Lord.  These are words of encouragement to the Body of Christ, that the world, as we now know it, is going to change and is in fact in the midst of an awakening. 

“Oh, United States, what you are about to experience, you have never seen Me do on Earth like this before. Judgment has come for your enemies. These days will be very harsh for them with no reprieve. The more they move against you, the more I move My hand against them. Like Pharaoh of old, if they speak death to My people and try to then cause harm, then it will come upon them. Like I have said before, My children, these are the days of Hammon, the days of receiving the Harvest they have sown upon this Earth. Do not pity them because they made their choice. They chose to turn from repentance and have absolutely no remorse. They hardened their hearts against Me and you. I gave everyone time, but they decided not to accept.”  (Julie Green, March 7, 2022)

“For I, the Lord, this day have warned you, My children of these days, what to look for, what to pray for regarding your own lives and nations in this hour.  Things that used to make people feel comfortable and normal are about to change abruptly. Great shakings all over the world will turn the world entirely right side up. Anything holding the world captive will break from the people, the markets, every walk of life. One minute it will be dark; the next minute, it will be light. One minute there was captivity; the next minute, there will be freedom.

I am moving My hand, and all things that are not of Me, if not a blessing but a curse controlling this world, will be destroyed.

My children, the shakings that are about to occur may appear harsh, but they are annihilating your enemies, destroying everything they made against you. What you are about to see and experience has to take place for awakening, freedom, and restoration to come. My children, everything that needs to be done to completely change this world before your Lord, your Savior, comes to take you out of this world before the tribulation period will be done.”  (Julie Green, March 6, 2022)

2 Peter 1:19-21 NIV We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.  Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things.  For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.



“In the Name of Jesus, Father, we lift to You all of America. Our hearts are united with Yours on behalf of each and every one. Lord, while we lift them all, You see each one individually. We pray for an awakening in each life. We pray that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened to know You and the hope to which You have called them. Anyone who does not know You has been blinded but You are light. You said you would lead the blind in a way that they don’t know and make darkness into light before them. You said you will not leave them forsaken. We pray that as that light shines brightly in their lives, they won’t turn away from it. Like the early morning sun, shining through the window, Lord, awaken them to Your mercies! Stir them! Shake them! We pray they will have eyes to see and ears to hear. Send laborers across their path – people they will hear and who are anointed to speak into their lives. Let there be such a move of Your Spirit across this nation that even the most stubborn and hardest of hearts will melt in the presence of Your love. Awaken them to the reality of Your coming Lord Jesus! Use me now Lord as I pray in the Spirit for an awakening unto You . . . “(Terri Pearsons, July 8, 2020)


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