Marcella Ward June 19, 2024
The winds of change are blowing across our land. God Almighty has a mighty plan. Truth will flood our land and there will be winds of change, tsunamis of truth, and judgment and justice. There will be a collapse of the aristocracy in our land. God is our safe harbor as we put our trust in Him. GOD’S GLORY WILL BE THE STORY!!
WINDS OF CHANGE, TSUNAMIS, AND BOOMERANGS Diana Larkin Word received on June 18, 2022
“A season of CONVERGENCE is unfolding before you, as I work out My Rescue Operation. You will see the WINDS OF CHANGE blowing in the natural, and you will feel them in the Spirit realm. These winds are SHIFTING the ATMOSPHERE by BLOWING OUT darkness and RELEASING the Light and the FREQUENCIES of Heaven. This makes a way for the TSUNAMIS of TRUTH to FLOOD the Land, and you will see EXPOSURE after EXPOSURE that NOTHING CAN STOP and the LYING media will not be able to SPIN. As the atmosphere SHIFTS and the TRUTH FLOODS in, all the dark schemes and agendas will BOOMERANG back onto those partnered with EVIL. This three-pronged STRATEGY of the Rescue Operation is UNSTOPPABLE because My POWER and your DECREES and DECLARATIONS are calling forth My powerful WINDS OF CHANGE, the flood of TSUNAMIS of TRUTH, and the BOOMERANGS of EVIL SCHEMES BACK into the camp of the darkness. Do not fret if it LOOKS LIKE the darkness is SUCCEEDING in their evil plots. I AM ALLOWING them to position themselves to be OUT IN THE OPEN in an IDEAL PLACE to be taken SUDDENLY DOWN by the CONVERGENCE of the WINDS OF CHANGE, THE TSUNAMIS OF TRUTH, and the BOOMERANGS OF JUDGMENT AND JUSTICE.” (Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal)
COLLAPSE COLLAPSE Marcella Ward Word received on June 9, 2024
“Collapse, collapse. The evil aristocracy has no chance. The demons are cowering. The demons are fleeing. THE MAGNIFISENCE OF MY GLORY WILL BE THE STORY!! Don’t be afraid. Don’t be confused, for the culmination of their fury will soon end. My beloved, My anointed, stay close to Me and you will see My victory, your victory!! THE PARTING OF THE RED SEA!!”
FREEDOM Marcella Ward Word received on June 14, 2024
“Freedom isn’t free. For the cost of freedom I suffered and died on a tree. The freedom you seek will become the reality of the Kingdom upon the earth; the Kingdom of freedom; the Kingdom of peace; the Kingdom of My Glory; the Kingdom of My Grace. Child of mine, restoration is on the way. Don’t fret for it will come in My appointed day.
The earth is bellowing and proclaiming My Justice, My Peace and My Restoration. The world will see that it will be free BUT ONLY IN ME!!” AMEN
A SAFE HARBOR Marcella Ward Word received on June 17, 2024
“A safe harbor, a safe harbor. You will find in Me a safe harbor. A harbor for your soul. A harbor for your heart in which you will be made whole. Rest in Me and you will see a safe harbor for your soul. A safe harbor for your soul. A safe harbor for your soul. AMEN ALLELUIA AMEN”
Marcella Ward Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”