Wednesday, October 30, 2024



                                                                      A GREAT SHIFT


Marcella Ward   October 30, 2024

A great shift is coming.  God is going to re-set our nation and the world.  There is hope!  We need to put our trust in God and not in man.  Yes, God uses men and women to change the world but only He and He alone will conquer evil and set us free!  The following prophecies will give you hope because we will now be going in a new direction ushering in the Kingdom of God upon the earth!

A GREAT SHIFT IS AHEAD     October 22, 2024     Diana Larkin


This morning, we went to the little walled garden of my heart in Heaven. As I looked around at the lush greenery, it became colorful Fall and then winter, as the trees became bare. This has never happened before in my garden. It made me a bit sad to see a winter, bare season but suddenly, the garden was full of beautifully decorated Christmas trees that brought a big smile to my face. The Father turned to me and said:

“THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING. Your Summer was a season to GROW your STRENGTH and DETERMINATION to FIGHT WELL to the end. Now that Fall is here, let it do its WORK of STRIPPING away what is from the OLD SEASONS of your life in order to MAKE ROOM for NEW and EXPLOSIVE GROWTH—both in your personal life and for the nations. THIS IS ALSO THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS for those PARTNERED with DARKNESS. They will FALL, be STRIPPED BARE, and be CUT DOWN—REMOVED from their positions of POWER and WEALTH. The HARVEST of their EVIL, SELFISH WAYS will RIPEN to the FULLNESS of their DEPRAVITY, and the world will see their DEATH AGENDAS as the DARK FRUIT of their lives. Their DARK HARVEST will be FULLY EXPOSED to the world, and the world will DEMAND JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and a RETURN of the people’s FREEDOMS. In the Winter season the darkness will be HEWN DOWN and REMOVED. The world will experience a STRIPPING AWAY of the OLD SYSTEMS, and it may look a little BLEAK. But know this—a Christmas season of LIGHT, PEACE, and QUIET BEAUTY will SOFTLY COVER your Land. Even though there will still be BATTLES to be fought and won, this Christmas season will bring a SWEET REST, a DEEP PEACE, a UNIFYING of HEARTS, and a HOPE for a BEAUTIFUL SPRING of NEW LIFE and GROWTH. THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING, GREAT SHIFTS ARE AHEAD, but they will all RESULT in the ESTABLISHMENT of My KINGDOM WAYS of LIFE, LIGHT, and BLESSING in the earth. FLOW with Me into THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS.” 

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Date Word Received: October 6, 2024 (Second Prophecy)

Watch video - published October 10, 2024

“I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children to deny the world's influence in your minds and hearts. Deny your enemies access to your lives by speaking My Words, declaring My Words, and praising and worshiping Me. Your enemy is trying everything at this time to bring you great discouragement, and it may feel more overwhelming to you. But remember, you resist him, and he must flee. It is as easy as flicking away a flea. I promise you with My Authority, which I have given you, in the Name of Jesus, all Hell quivers at that Name and all demons must flee at that Name—the Name that is above every name

Your enemies are doing more against you in this time, but I am doing more for you. My Glory crushes the power of the enemy, and My Glory dwells in you. Learn to tap into it. Call for more increase, and you will receive more from Me if you just ask. 

My children, it is your time to crush your enemies and put them under your feet in a great defeat. You have more power that I have given to you, which you have not yet used. Use it! Use My Words with great authority. The enemies you are facing have already been defeated because of who dwells with them. See them as nothing because they are nothing against Me. So, get up and take your enemies out with a shout, says the Lord of Hosts.”  ( )


AVALANCHE   Date received from the Lord:    October 13, 2024   Marcella Ward

“There is going to be a separation in the next coming months.  Those who are against Me and those who are for Me.  The avalanche of truth that will be released will be overwhelming for the left.  They will not escape it.  For I the Lord, Your God, will manifest My Power and My Justice.  It is I Who will bring this to pass.  Just as the Egyptians were covered by the avalanche of the water that destroyed the army, so I will destroy the army of evil.  Don’t get discouraged that nothing  has happened because just like an avalanche, there is a silence before it happens.  So, we are in the silence right now.  So, watch out.  The trumpeting of My plan shall come suddenly upon the enemy and they will wish they had not come against Me.  For I am the Lord God, the God of the universe!  The God of all creation!  AMEN & AMEN”


RECOMPENSE   Date received from the Lord:   October 18, 2024    Marcella Ward

 “Recompense, recompense, but not for those on the fence.  The recompense for My remnant will swiftly come.  The beloved of the Lord, My remnant, will see the salvation of Your God!  So don’t grow weary; faint not.  The evil one’s plans will soon rot.  The enemy is facing the battle of the ages and he will be struck down.  So don’t worry, don’t be in fear.  The God of the universe is near.  The sounding of the shofar will soon be heard.  The enemy will not overtake My Word.  My enlightenment will permeate the earth.  It will be as a new birth.

Rejoice, don’t be afraid. The plans of the enemy shall not prevail for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is Victor!!  AMEN & AMEN”

Marcella Ward        October 30, 2024        Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”

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