Wednesday, May 27, 2020



I believe the following words from the Lord on this date are a word of encouragement for the Body of Christ during this time of crisis with the virus upon us.  It is a call for the Church to stand and be a force in the world to give people hope.  

We, as the Body of Christ, need to be able to point to God Who is our hope and refuge.  When the Lord uses the word “army” and “battle” and “warriors”, etc., He does not mean for us to take up arms but to be a voice for people to hear so in turn they will hear God’s voice.  

In my last Blog entry, the Lord spoke about His Voice that shall not be inhibited for He is the Creator.  We need to be His voice on earth.  We can all hear His voice in His Holy Word and in our hearts.  Let’s not let the world, through the media, etc., be that negative voice of “doom and gloom,” but rather the voice of peace, joy, encouragement knowing that God will see us through and that Christ's return is at the doorstep.  

Be encouraged Church, for we are the hands and feet and Body of Christ!!  Take this time to not just preach the Gospel which means, “the good news,” but be the living Gospel reaching out to others who are hurting and need that special word of encouragement to know that the best is yet to come if you are in Christ!!  

May 19, 2020

“I speak to you from victory.  Victory at the cross.  What does one do with victory?  He continues on.  There shall be an onslaught in the enemy’s camp (Satan), an onslaught of victory upon victory.  For my army is now assembling; an army of everyday warriors who will pillage the enemy’s camp.  For we are living now from victory to victory; undefeated; a mighty army of souls.  This will be an army that will be joined with heavenly hosts who will go before you as in the days of Moses to show the way of the Lord.  Gird up your loins; prepare for battle.  Be on guard for the enemy lurks at every instance.  Don’t retreat, but carry on, for I will lead My people out of bondage.  Rejoice sayeth the Lord!”

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