Wednesday, July 26, 2023


                                         GOD IS STANDING BETWEEN YOU AND THEM

Marcella Ward  July 26, 2023

REMEMBER WHO IS STANDING IN BETWEEN THEM AND YOU   Date Word Received: July 7, 2023  Julie Green  Watch video - published July 19, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day say that this is My country, and soon the world will know it because I will show it. I will show the manifestation of My hand to remove, judge, and restore what has been stolen for over 100 years. 

Since almost the beginning of this country, people have wanted to destroy its foundation and My plan for it- a great and mighty plan. This country was meant to be blessed and to be a blessing. This country was meant to be a light. This country was meant to help other countries around the world. It was meant to be a safe haven for people trying to get out of the depressive situations they were in. It is a place for peace, a place for freedom, and a place of joy. 

But your enemies did not want that. They wanted their control (of it) and their version of this Nation- a Nation with socialism, communism, and pure evil reign. I have said before that this Nation keeps them from their ultimate goal- their One World Government and their great reset. You can't have a Nation that is so powerful and so blessed and have a global government.  

My children, take back this Nation for My Kingdom. Take back this Nation in My Name. Take back your freedom in My Name. Man can't take something that I have given. Don't allow it. Don't bow to their every command, their threats, and their pressure. Their threats will not go anywhere. 

Remember Who is standing in between them and you. It’s Me. They will not have this victory. They will not have this Nation. 

So My children, this day, remember what I say. I said that this (Nation) is Mine. I have blessed it. I have blessed this Nation. This is My Nation, just like Israel. My hand of protection has not come off, no matter what it appears like right now. I had to allow certain things so you would see what was really going on, so you would get fed up and not put up with everything that's been happening behind the scenes. 

If the church had been awake, it would have seen and could have dealt with it by now, long before it got to this degree. 

But, with every shaking comes an awakening. With every awakening comes a revival. Revival is My Glory being poured out on mankind. So call in and keep receiving My Glory. Keep expecting My Glory. Keep expecting My hand to move, to place judgment, and to remove the ones you see before you. 

These things can happen. I have done it before. Don't limit Me. Don't limit Me with your thinking. Don't limit Me with your speech. Take the limits off of Me, and you will see My Glory, saith the Lord.”  (Julie Green )


THE CULMINATION OF ALL THINGS     Word received on July 19, 2023  Marcella Ward

The culmination of all things is at hand.  No matter what the evil one thinks, it will go according to MY PLAN.  So Rejoice, be glad.  Do not surrender to the media and the politicians in the land.  My Hand; My Glory; My Will, will obliterate ALL THEIR PLANS!  Rejoice!  Be expectant.  Have FAITH.  Be at peace.  Rejoice  AMEN & AMEN”


REPAIR THE BREACH      Word received on July 21, 2023    Marcella Ward

Repair the breach.  Repair the breach.  The plans of the evil one have not been reached.  Take a moment and pause.  Say to the evil ones, you are defeated.  You are defeated.  The remnant, My Army, will march on so continue in My Spirit.  Continue in My Strength.  Continue Army of God.  You are My beloved, My joy and My anointed ones.  March on.  March on.  March on.  Oh, Beloved of the Father.  AMEN & AMEN”

Marcella Ward    July 26, 2023     Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”


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