Wednesday, October 11, 2023


                                                                   TIME TO PREPARE


Marcella Ward     October 11, 2023


October 10, 2023




“I was briefly taken to a Throne Room in Heaven, and I heard the THUNDEROUS voice of the Lord declare, “RELEASE!” I felt like it was a directive like, “release the Kraken” and in response to the word “RELEASE,” I saw Host suddenly shoot towards earth as a supersonic missile of light and fire. I trembled inside at the power of His command. The Father then spoke this:


“As I THUNDERED out ‘RELEASE’ on this day of 10/10, I set in motion the next phase of My RESCUE OPERATION for Israel and America. I will EXPOSE and BRING DOWN the ARROGANT TRAITORS within these nations who have PLOTTED DESTRUCTION and CHAOS in order to DEFEAT and SUBJUGATE these lands. The enemy has SPECIFICALLY TARGETED these two COVENANT nations because he hates Me and he hates those I love. 10 marks My LAW, My PERFECT ORDER, and My JUDGMENTS (10 plagues of Egypt) against those who OPPOSE My Kingdom RULE and REIGN. The schemes the darkness launches will be met with Heaven’s OVERWHELMING and SUPERIOR FORCES. These plans the darkness has launched will have a MEASURE of success because I AM drawing the darkness FULLY OUT into the OPEN so that ALL the EVIL PLAYERS are EXPOSED before the world. Then the people of the world will ARISE with ONE VOICE calling for My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE to be RELEASED in FULL MEASURE against those partnered with darkness. My Army of Light will LEAD the way with My Host onto the battlefield echoing My cry of, ‘RELEASE!’”  ( )


Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal 



 IT’S TIME TO PREPARE     Date Word Received: October 4, 2023  Julie Green

Watch video - published October 4, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to stay. I am telling My children to stand. But I am also telling My children to prepare. Prepare. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your minds. Prepare your homes. Prepare for My Glory. Prepare for My Will and My plan that will go forth. I am preparing the way for My children. Stay with Me. 

There are many things that are about to happen, many things upon this Earth that will shake you, that will try to shake you, that will try to steer you away from Me. Many distractions are on the way, many things that will look one way when they are really another. My children, your enemies are about to pour out great evil upon this Earth, an evil that will bring much fear to some.  

But I have told you of this time. I have warned. I have warned over and over again. I have warned of this time. I have been preparing your hearts for this time. I have been building your faith and your trust in Me for this time. I have been showing you who you are with Me in this time. I am protecting you in this time. Yes, I am.  

My Glory shall fill your homes. And a great joy and a great peace you will receive- the ones who are looking to Me, the ones who are waiting on Me, the ones who have been preparing with Me.  

Great judgment is coming, a judgment like no man has ever seen, a judgment against the enemies of Almighty God who have done so many evil things on this Earth, so many things against My Nation, so many things against My Body, and so many things against your rightful president. Great anguish they have caused. I have heard it. I have heard the anguish and the cries of My people. I have seen the chains the enemy has put on them. I have seen the slavery. I have seen the bondage. I have seen the injustice. And I have seen the bloodshed.   

This day, My children, I am telling you to take back your nations. I am telling you to unite in My Name. I am telling you to stop the division. You stop the calling of names. You stop trying to bring discord in this Body and this Nation. Yes, you know who you are, and some of you listen. You will not bring the discord you so desired. You will not bring death to this Nation like you so desired. You will not bring death to My David as you so desired. I will stop you. I have traps set up, and you will be caught in the act, and you will not get what you desired. You will be brought to shame, and great embarrassment will be (known with) your name.   ( )

ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH  Word received on October 6, 2023    Marcella Ward

“The soil has been prepared for all who have dared to stand against the evil ones.  For the evil ones will soon be gone.  Their day of recompense has begun.  So lift up your sagging arms.  You are not defeated, for on My throne I am seated, for there will come a day when I will rise and say, ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH!”

Marcella Ward   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”



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