Wednesday, September 27, 2023


                            CHURCH ARISE

Marcella Ward     September 27, 2023

A GREAT UNITING HAS BEGUN Date Word Received:  September 12, 2023   Julie Green

Watch video - published September 20, 2023

“Arise, children of Almighty God. Arise in Me. Arise with Me. Yes, arise in Me. I have many things to show you, and I have much for you to do. My children, you all have assignments. You all have specific things that have to be fulfilled before the end comes. So, My children, ask Me in your private times with Me, and I will show you exactly what you have been put on this Earth for. Every one of you has been put here for such a time as this. You may not believe it or understand it right now, but all of you have a special part. 

I need all My children united in one accord for this Glory when it is poured out. There are no limitations to it. My children, I know you are saying, "Lord, the church has never been this divided, ever. This church is so divided. The Body is so divided, Lord. How can this turn around?" But I said, and I will keep saying, there is nothing impossible for Me. 

The uniting has begun. What you are seeing, My children, when you see division and all these things happening in the Body of Christ, is a separation. I am separating My Body from the world, from the ones whose hearts are cold and have grown hard, from those who don't live for Me but for a version of Christianity- of religion, man-made doctrines, and philosophies. They pay more attention to those things than they pay to Me. I see through people's hearts. I know, with this great shaking and this great awakening, who will turn to Me and who will turn from Me.

My children, get on your knees. Get on your knees and pray for this time. Get on your knees and pray for this time. Many things are happening that you do not know. Many things are happening that you do not see. There will be a great falling away from Me- the ones who choose religion over Me, the ones who choose the world over Me for money and power. My children, this is a time I am telling you to be alert, be cautious, be aware, be standing, and be praying.  ( )

EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR   Date received:  September 18, 2023   Marcella Ward

“I will give you eyes to see and ears to hear.  Be brave and be filled with My magnificent presence, for I will that all come back to Me for I have foretold that all who come to me I will in no way reject. (John 6:37) So let the trumpet sound.  Let the bound be unbound.  Let the trumpeter’s music resound, for I decree and say today, that all is well, all is well, all is well.  Decree it from the mountain tops.  Decree it and you will see it.  Remain calm.  Pray the Psalm (91) of protection over your lives and you will thrive.  What a great season and time to be alive!  Rejoice and be glad and never be sad.  Amen and Alleluia.  REJOICE REJOICE!!”

ENEMIES’ TACTICS WILL CEASE Date received: September 21, 2023    Marcella Ward

“Rejoice and be at peace, for the enemies’ tactics will cease!  Be at peace.  Rest in Me and you will see the Jubilee that will set you free.  So, remain in Me and through Me you will see THE VICTORY!!  AMEN & AMEN ALLELUIA!!”


Marcella Ward   September 27, 2023    Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”

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