Wednesday, June 15, 2022

                                                                     A DIVINE RESCUE

Marcella Ward June 15, 2022

The Lord has been speaking to many prophets about a Divine Rescue.  Yes, there will be a rescue as in the Red Sea moment when God rescued the children of Israel from Pharaoh.  They could not fight the armies of Pharaoh on their own.  God showed His Glory by rescuing them at the Red Sea by parting the waters at the perfect moment.

We are at a Red Sea moment now.  The only one who can rescue us is God.  The forces of evil are being unmasked and they will not be able to stop what God is doing because He will stop them in their tracks! 

I received these words from the Lord recently and I would like to share them with you to give you encouragement and faith to believe that God is moving on our behalf, your behalf!

May 29, 2022

“The winds of change have come upon your land.  The winds of change orchestrated by My loving and generous hand.  The windows of heaven are opening wide to render this awakening that is breaking in this tide of days of reckoning; of days of purging and days of excitement for the justified.”

June 3, 2022

“Child of mine, I say to you to be prepared for there is going to be a great advance toward My people that will come abruptly but in the same fashion that I saved the Israelites from the Pharaoh, so shall I save My people.  Do not be afraid for the darkness will soon cover the evil doers who have blasphemed My name.  They are dust in My sight.  Wait and watch.  Be not alarmed for I hold you in the palm of My hand.  Watch, pray, the great rescue is on its way.  Alleluia Rejoice Be exceedingly glad My children.  Have faith.  Rejoice  Be glad, exceedingly glad.  Alleluia.  Amen.  REJOICE, REJOICE, REJOICE!  THIS ADVANCE WILL NOT STAND A CHANCE!”

June 8, 2022

“Troubled times have come upon this land for I have commissioned them as part of My plan.  Walk in My light and I will do the rest.  Seek Me and you will find Me as you endure the test. 

Testify My grandeur, My presence in the land, for it is going to spring forth according to My well laid out plan.  Have faith, rejoice, be settled and secure, for a day is coming and is already here that will usher in My presence, My Glory, My Divine will.  So hearken to My Words and BE STILL.  AMEN.”

The following are encouraging words of the Lord through the Prophet Julie Green.  I encourage you to go to her website at

June 8, 2022

I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children regarding the works of the enemy and the damage that has been caused in this world today with the economy, food supplies, soil, jobs, your children, government, schools, your churches, entertainment, and your countries that no matter how much they have done to destroy every walk of life, remember My children, who I am.  

  • I am the Restorer
  • I am the Deliverer
  • I am your Provider
  • I am your Comforter
  • I am your Advocate
  • I am your Standby
  • I am your Avenger
  • I am your Victory.

I am the Most High God, and I am your Father. I created this Earth, so no matter that certain men think they can do what they want when they want, how they want, they won't get away with it, saith the Lord.

I will not let them destroy this Earth, and I will not let them hold you hostage any longer. Certain things had to happen that you may not understand now, but you soon will. Many in My written Word felt just like you do today- that things look and appear so bad, nothing will be done about it, but that is simply not true. That is a lie from your adversary to get you to doubt Me and My faithfulness. Stand on My Word. Resist your enemy! Resist those thoughts! Resist those feelings! Resist those assignments against you! When you resist the devil, he must flee. He already knows this, and you need to know this, My children.  

Get up. Rise up. I have given you the authority over your enemies. It is time you take back what is yours. Your enemy should never have any power over you. He just deceives you out of yours. Now you know! You have been told, so receive these revelations.

Know, My children, when you cry out to Me, I hear you, and I have promised to deliver you out of it all. That is still My promise today. Stand on it, and watch the breakthroughs in your life come quicker than you ever thought possible. Trust Me, My children, in this hour, and you won't be disappointed, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Prayer to the God of the Possible

Father, Miracle-Worker, I put my trust and my faith in You because I know that nothing is impossible with You. Just as You told Sarah about the coming birth of Isaac, I know You will make a way when there is no way. You raised Lazarus from the dead. You made the dry bones have flesh again and then made breath enter them. Father, You look out for Your people, and for that, I praise You. You are the same God today as You were then. I believe in the power of Your hand. I believe in Your intervention. My mind has silenced the critics. I cannot hear the non-believers. All I hear is You, my Father. What harm can come to me when I walk with You? Amen.  (9 Powerful Prayers for Faith and Trust in God  8 )

Marcella Ward   June 15, 2022

Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of The Evil One”  



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