Wednesday, November 15, 2023


                                                         PRESSURE IS BUILDING

PRESSURE IS BUILDING    Date Word Received: November 1, 2023  Julie Green

Watch video - published November 1, 2023

“For I, the Lord, this day am saying to My children, when would I ever forsake you? When are My promises not true? Of course, they are for you. When have I ever let the enemies win? When have I ever failed My children? When? 

This is coming to the final hours, the final time of the enemies’ dominance and control. And if you look in My Word you will see what your enemies did and how they responded when fear grew in them, when their plans weren’t going the right way, and when My people stood against them, wouldn’t quit, and kept resisting. 

I have told you this before- weakness is growing in their camp, and it will be seen. They are experiencing great confusion, and their desperation is growing. It’s growing by the day. And because that pressure is building on them, they are putting more pressure on you. They are putting this pressure on you so that you submit, quit, and completely surrender your rights, your freedoms, and your faith and trust in Me. 

My children, don’t you see? Don’t you see what they are doing? They are trying to overthrow Me. They are trying to kick Me out of the Earth that I created. They are trying to turn the Body of Christ against Me. They are trying to divide My Body more than (they have at) any other time to cause weakness and great division. Because they know if there is great division and weakness, there will be no power in you to fight them back. 

Pressure is building. Pressure is building because the final outcome is about to be seen. I told you a fall is coming, a great fall. Expect this fall- a fall of the globalists, a fall of the swamp, a fall of the power they had. They are about to get louder (because they are) on their way out. They will start to shout. They will cause chaos in your streets, even greater than you (now) see, and they are also trying to cause great uncertainty in the economy and the world through war. 

My children, this is why I am doing what I have said I am going to do. I am going to lead you, and I am going to guide you. There is going to be a greater Exodus that you will see. You will see a greater Exodus because of Me. I am delivering you. That is My Name. I am a Deliverer. 

So don’t give in and don’t quit because of what you see. Stay focused on Me. Stay focused on Me. I say again, stay focused on Me because of the many things you are about to see- judgments, great judgments that will bring great death to many.  

This is the time of that darkness. This is the time I have prepared you for, so don’t lose hope now because when the world grows darker, I will shine My light brighter in you. You will receive restorations, refreshing, and retribution. I am not leaving that out. So shout for great removals, I said. With these great removals, there is great restoration.”  (

November 14, 2023



“My faithful REMNANT have JOINED their hearts to My heart. Their eyes have been OPENED to the DEVASTATION that CHOOSING DARKNESS brings into their nations. They see the FLOODGATES of EVIL being opened throughout the land, as people COOPERATE with the darkness through COMPROMISE, IDOLATRY, and SELFISH LIVING. These focuses DULL your spirit’s PERCEPTION and DISCERNMENT until righteousness and justice have FALLEN by the wayside. But you, My Remnant, have AWAKENED to My LOVE, My BEAUTY, and My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. You can CLEARLY SEE your world’s need for a RESCUE OPERATION and for FOUNDATIONS to be re-established on My Kingdom of LIGHT. The POWER of your AGREEMENT with Me is VERY GREAT. Every time you PARTNER with Me and CALL IN EXPOSURES and JUSTICE, it adds to the TSUNAMI that is building. When this TSUNAMI FLOODS your Land, it will EXPOSE and WASH AWAY CORRUPTION. Long held SEATS of POWER will be GONE in a MOMENT of time, and every PRAYER of AGREEMENT you have released will be WELL WORTH IT, as you watch darkness be VIOLENTLY SWEPT AWAY. Because evil became so ENTRENCHED, it must be REMOVED FORCEFULLY. The VIOLENCE and the SUDDENNESS will AWAKEN those still UNDER THE CLOUD of DECEPTION and DENIAL. As darkness and Light CLASH, the earth will respond by SHAKING, SPLITTING OPEN, and VIOLENT STORMS. A RUDE AWAKENING is much better than being lulled into PERMANENT SLAVERY. The areas where darkness has had SEATS of POWER will have the HARDEST SHAKINGS as the clash of war between dark and Light INTENSIFIES. I AM able to KEEP My own no matter where they are. Don’t LOSE HEART when you see things VIOLENTLY COLLAPSE because it will CLEAR the WAY for My KINGDOM to be established and My GREAT BLESSINGS to FLOW FREELY to the people of your Land.”

Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal ( )


November 14, 2023

A TIME OF TESTING          Marcella Ward

“A time of testing has come upon the earth.  It is a time of forbearance; a time for confusion; a time for sifting the sands of the government, the church; the media,; all the seven mountains of the Kingdom and there will be a mass reversal; a mass eviction; a mass extraction of those who would dare to blaspheme Me or lie to the masses.  For I am coming soon to the earth not only to transform it but to cover it with My Glory!  AMEN & AMEN    GLORY BE TO THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS THE MESSIAH---KING JESUS!!  AMEN”

Marcella Ward   November 15, 2023   Author of “Stolen Identity: Plan of the Evil One”


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